Complaint policy

The Crowdamerica NETWORK j. s. a., having its registered office at Tyršovo Nábrežie 12, Bratislava – borough of Petržalka, 851 01, incorporated in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court of Bratislava I, Section: Sja, File No.: 57/B issues this Internal Policy which sets forth the procedures for making complaints and suggestions by a user or potential user and the procedure for handling them.

1. Complaint

1.1 A complaint or suggestion (the “Complaint”) shall mean a written filling by a user or potential user who expresses therein his/her disagreement with the manner of performance and the result of the provision of a specific service provided by Crowdamerica or a person cooperating with Crowdamerica.

1.2 Any user or potential user of the services provided by Crowdamerica (the “Complainant”) is entitled to file a complaint.

2. Filing the Complaint

2.1 The Complainant is required to file the Complaint in the following ways:

  1. in paper form to the address of Crowdamerica’s registered office,

  2. by e-mail to

Crowdamerica shall not take account of any Complaints filed in a manner other than those specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) above of this Article.

2.2 The required details of the Complaint are as follows:

  1. the Complainant’s identification data to the extent of name, surname, permanent address or e-mail address if the Complainant is a natural person; if the Complainant is a legal entity, then its identification data to the extent of business name, registered office address, ID number of the legal entity, information on its incorporation in the relevant register, e-mail address and the identification data of the contact person,

  2. subject of the Complaint, including the facts which serve as the grounds for filing the Complaint and the proposed remedy,

  3. documents or information proving the legitimacy of the Complaint.

3. Receipt and Handling of the Complaint

3.1 Upon delivery of the Complaint, Crowdamerica shall ensure that the Complaint is assigned to the designated employee who will record its delivery, assess the Complaint and evaluate whether the Complaint contains the prescribed particulars under paragraph 2.2 above. If the required details are lacking in the Complaint, the designated responsible person shall request the Complainant to complete the Complaint or remove any deficiencies from the original Complaint.

3.2 If the received Complaint meets the requirements under paragraph 2.2 above, the designated person shall assess and evaluate the legitimacy of the Complaint and ensure its handling.

3.3 Crowdamerica shall process the Complaint and take measures to settle the Complaint within thirty (30) days from the date of its delivery, and within the said time limit Crowdamerica shall notify the Complainant in writing of the method of settling the Complaint. In justified cases, Crowdamerica is entitled to extend the time limit under the previous sentence to a maximum of forty-five (45) days from the date of delivery of the Complaint, in which case Crowdamerica shall notify the Complainant of the reasons for such extension within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of the Complaint.

3.4 In this respect, Crowdamerica reserves the right to determine the order in which the individual Complaints will be handled.

4. Keeping Records of the Complaints

4.1 Crowdamerica undertakes to ensure that records of the Complaints are kept to the following extent:

  1. if the Complainant is a natural person, then the name, surname and permanent address of the Complainant; if the Complainant is a legal entity, then the business name, registered office address, ID number of the legal entity, information on its incorporation in the relevant register and the identification data of the contact person,

  2. the subject of the Complaint,

  3. the date of delivery of the Complaint,

  4. identification of the persons against whom the Complaint has been filed,

  5. an assessment of whether the Complaint was legitimate,

  6. the method of settling the Complaint,

  7. measures taken to settle the Complaint,

  8. the date of settlement of the Complaint.

5. Filing an Appeal against the Outcome of the Complaint Handling

5.1 If the Complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the Complaint handling, he/she may, within fourteen (14) days from the date of delivery of the outcome of the Complaint handling, file an appeal against such outcome. If the Complainant files an appeal against the outcome of the Complaint handling, Crowdamerica shall make a decision on the appeal within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of such appeal.

5.2 In addition to the required details of the Complaint hereunder, an appeal against the outcome of the Complaint handling must contain information on the date of delivery of the outcome of the Complaint handling for the purpose of proving that the time limit under Article 5.1 above has been met and also state the facts justifying the appeal.

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