Crowdamerica Performance
Since January 2020, the cryptocurrency market has grown by 342%. Crowdamerica's portfolio was able to copy this movement very accurately, with only a minimum deviation of ~ 0.14%. Investing in cryptocurrencies can still be considered challenging and risky. However, Crowdamerica has a conservative strategy that is able to reduce much of the risk.
When investing paid off
Had you chosen to invest on one of the green days, your investment would have yielded profit to you nowadays.
Period for the last 365 days
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Why invest with Crowdamerica
Easy Investing
With only a few clicks you can invest in a dynamic portfolio of top cryptocurrencies.
Risk Reduction
Your portfolio is specially designed to track the total market value and does not rely on individual cryptocurrencies.
Direct Ownership
With us, you always own cryptocurrencies directly, not through a collective investment scheme.
Independent audit
We are the first cryptocurrency investment platform with an independent audit of wallets.
Small Starting Investment
With Crowdamerica, you can start investing from as little as 50 €.
Ultimate Safety
Ledger Vault is the most trusted and secure cryptocurrency custody solution in the world.